Landscape of a Pissing Multitude
Landscape of a Pissing Multitude
We will have to journey through the eyes of idiots,
and so that fire will consume those crowds still able to piss around a moan
they were waiting for the swiftness of the last cyclists.
and because of the sky blue ground of black footprints,
and to wait in ambush for a silence that has no
obscure names, saliva, and chrome radios were still crying.
The men kept to themselves:
九*九*藏*书*网where night loses its way
the violent attack on the moon.
Oh, crowds! Loose women! Soldiers!
of a terrible silent fountain.
and a ball of yarn looks anxiously in the grass for unrealized longitude.
that spread its legs on the terraces.
open country where the docile cobras, coiled like wire, hiss,
because there is a world of death whose perpetual sailors will appehttp://www.99lib.netar in the
The women kept to themselves:
in the canyons that resist
so that uncontrollable light will arrive
They all kept to themselves-
Its useless to look for the bend
It doesnt matter if the boy grows silent when stuck with the last pin,
beneath silence with a thousand ears
The countryside bites its own tail in order to gather a bunch of roots
the odor of awww• single corpse from the double source of lily and rat-
because even the tiny banquet of a spider
the sharp parasol that punctures
freeze you from behind the trees.
to frighten the rich behind their magnifying glasses-
and tiny mouths of water
The boy on the schooner was crying and hearts were breaking
nor for those shadowy people who stumble on the curbs.
is enough to upset the九_九_藏_书_网 entire equilibrium of the sky.
or on the crystals in which each inimitable wave is understood.
Facades of urine, of smoke, anemones, rubber gloves.
or if the breeze is defeated in cupped cotton flowers,
arches and
in anguish for the witness and vigilance of all things,
dreaming of the open beaks of dying birds,
Federico García Lorca
Everything is shatter in the tepid
There is no cure for the moaning from a Japanese schooner,
The Moon! The police. The foghorns of the ocean liners!
Everything is shattered in the night
a recently flattened toad,
they were expecting the death of a boy on a Japanese schooner.
torn clothes, no shells, and no tears,
landscapes full of graves that yield the freshest apples,
Landscape of a Pissing Multitude