千真万确是时髦女郎勾引劳力汉。Vladimir Nabokov的Lolita更是娇滴滴春情早发,色迷迷雨打梨花,浪荡荡一“榻”胡涂:
Then gradually the place wakes up
What s happened? ﹣ Bugger all.


We hear the locals gossiping,

Pert, pubescent九_九_藏_书_网 child,
Then off they go to bed again.

How still we see thee lie,
At the working classes.
英国人社交聊天靠肚子里的杂料撑场面,这种书内容浅浅寓意深深,最能助人稳操胜券。全书共有三十一位作者执笔,各显奇才,也如比赛。事实上,这些作家的确喜欢比赛;编者自己是“entries in various literary competitions”;作者有的“has been a literary competition winner for many years”;有的“was joint www.99lib.netwinner of the 1973 Daily Mail competition”;有的“Has been a regular literary competition winner since 1950s”。有的似乎是上了瘾:“An inveterate weekend literary competitor”;有的一九四零年就参赛到现在。书后的作者简介也有趣,有的说讨厌旅行,讨厌谈论自己作品的作家;有的说有四名孙子和八枚还相当管用的牙齿(“four grand children and eight fairly sound teeth”)!
Smart girls make pass九九藏书网es
O little town of Llareggub,
Is defiled by perve with nerve,
Till Quilty gets wild...


And, as the day goes by,
they prattle till nightfall,
Dylan Thomas 的 Under Milk Wood说的是寂寂小城,无风作浪;说三道四,蜚短流长;从早到晚,上床始忘;所为何事?一片空茫!
我真想一夜致博,问了好几家书店都没有吴霭仪说的那本妙书:How To Become Ridiwww.99lib.netculously Well Read in One Evening。问她,她说不必买了,她找出来给我。今天果然送来了。薄薄一本企鹅,一九八五年初版,编者E O Parrott一九九零年六十六岁就去世了。视力衰退,辞去教职,专心写作,编撰过好几本很俏皮的妙书:How to Become Absurdly Well Informed About The Famous And The Infamous;How to be Tremendously Tuned In to Opera;How to be Well Versed in Poetry。他的《前言》一上来就说博览群书,梦寐以求(“To be well-read is shttp://www.99lib.neturely highly desirable”),而生也有涯,书也无穷,总不能放弃电视节目放弃酒馆啤酒去死啃名着。他说想当年散文家蓝姆早就想出简化名着的绝招,编写《莎士比亚故事集》(Tales from Shakespeare),后人於是纷纷续貂,有的狗尾,有的貂尾,弄到后来,明明是正襟危坐的作品,都作兴羼入非非之想了(“It is now the fashion to seek for sexual meanings and pornographic undertones even in passages where almost certainly the author intended nothing of the kind”)。